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These rules exist to make the game fair and enjoyable for everyone. If you notice something that may be illegal, or if you are in a dispute with another player or staff member, contact the law team via the lawmail command.

By playing this game you confirm that you are above 18 years of age, and that you have read and understood the below rules and agree to act in compliance with them. You also understand that all actions are logged and observable by staff.

Rule 1: Be kind and respectful

This is a game, and we can settle all disagreements amicably. Always be considerate out of character (OOC) and on the game/discord lines.

Rule 2: Roleplaying is Enforced

You are expected to stay in character (IC) whenever possible to increase immersion and adhere to our setting guide. Roleplay in accordance with the environment, as well as your stats, skills, class, race, and resonance. All characters must be played as adults, both physically and mentally, regardless of your race’s lifespan.

Rule 3: Use English

Always write in English and avoid using modern abbreviations and idioms.

Rule 4: Automation

Any scripts, triggers, etc., that automate gameplay are illegal. Do not exploit bugs or mechanics. If something seems broken, report it via our game command.

Rule 5: NOPK flag

Antagonistic actions are defined as any action that purposefully provokes or annoys another character. Examples: Verbal insults or threats, unsolicited romantic interactions, snitching, breaking city laws, emoting offensive actions, invasion of privacy, stealing from other players, scrying, being in a shapeshifted form, bringing an animal into a civilized area, and using dangerous, harmful and/or disruptive spells/abilities.

See NOPK for rules on how to roleplay with a nopk flag.

Rule 6: Consent

Sexual encounters require the consent of all involved characters and must take place in private.

Consent is defined as an OOC statement that someone is willing to participate in scenes of a sexual nature. It must be obtained before the scene can start. Minor romantic interactions require the consent of participating characters, while sexual encounters require the consent of everyone present. Note:

  • Consent must be obtained before engaging in sexual RP.
  • Consent may be withdrawn at any time without question and it must be complied with.
  • Everyone present must be adult members of their race.
  • Mobs and NPC's have not consented and cannot be involved, or present, during sexual encounters.

If someone does not comply with the consent rules, please log off and contact staff via Discord (use @admin on the wiz channel to flag the law team) or lawmail. First time offenders will be jailed, second time offenders will be banned.

Rule 7: Fade to Black

If you find yourself in a situation that may be traumatic or triggering for you, you may call for a fade away or a fade to black. A fade away means that your character removes itself from the situation without further RP. Fade to black immediately ends the scene and the players discuss in OOC terms how it was resolved.

If someone does not comply with a fade to black, please log off and contact staff via Discord (use @admin on the wiz channel to flag the law team) or lawmail. First time offenders will be jailed, second time offenders will be banned.

Rule 8: Multiple Characters

Multiple characters, aka alts, are allowed under the following conditions:

  • Only one of your alts, referred to as a main, can participate in avatar plots and send avatar mails.
  • You may only have one alt logged on at any given time and you may not transfer anything between alts.
  • Your alts cannot know each other. If one alt permanently retires, you may request creating a new alt that is related to your old one.
  • You may not have two (or more) alts directly involved on two (or more) sides of a conflict.

If one of your alts is involved in a PK, you must play that alt exclusively for the next 7 days, until the situation has been resolved, or until the alt is killed in a PK. If you are killed in the PK, you may not use another alt to initiate PK involving the same characters for 7 days or until the situation has been resolved.

Rule 9: OOG Communication

Out of game (OOG) collaboration and communication is allowed under the following conditions:

* Use the wiz channel for questions or comments regarding game mechanics and updates.
* Make no attempts to demand or sleuth another's personal information. 
* OOC threats or abuse in any form, in game or out of game, will not be tolerated.
* Do not use information gained by OOC means in your RP, or act upon OOC knowledge IC.

Rule 10: Illegal Activity

Using this game as a medium to conduct illegal activities is strictly forbidden.

It will always result in rid and banishment. All character interactions are logged and may be observed by our staff.


PK (player killing) encompasses any player vs player (PvP) scenario. Read the below carefully before engaging in PK.

Refer to post PK rules for how to proceed after a PK and check out our handy list of pk commands.

Rule 11: Engaging in PK is optional

New characters have a NOPK flag that protects them from aggressive characters. To opt into PK, turn the flag off with the set command. Note that:

  • Some races, known as PK races, have their flag turned off by default and should be chosen with care.
  • The Grace flag from recent login functions as a NOPK flag for its duration.
  • An avatar may require that you turn your NOPK flag off if you wish to participate in their plot.

See NOPK for rules on how to roleplay with a nopk flag.

Rule 12: Keep it IC

Do your best to keep PK in character (IC) and off the channels and resolve any IC conflict in an IC manner.

  • Ensure that your character has an IC reason for engaging in the PK. Roleplay hostility and conflict before resorting to violence.
  • Race alone is only considered a valid reason if the intended opponent belongs to a PK race or is in a dangerous shapeshifted form.
  • Do not act on information gained via OOC channels.

Rule 13: Show OOC consideration

Everyone is here to have fun. Show OOC consideration towards your fellow players and do your best to make it memorable for everyone involved.

  • Do not leave your opponent bound and unconscious for longer than necessary.
  • Do not take gear that you do not need or offer the gear/money of your opponent.
  • Do not engage with a NOPK character during a PK.
  • High level characters should not take antagonistic actions towards low level characters without provocation and are expected to show an additional level of OOC consideration towards easy targets.

Rule 14: Stay online and active

Do not quit, go inactive, or idle out without permission from the participating players. You are expected to stay online for 30 minutes after the last attack happened. In case of emergencies, state your emergency on the OOC line.

Rule 15: Torture is allowed, but

Sundering Shadows allows torture, dismemberment, and other forms of punishment/abuse, but nobody should ever be forced or coerced into playing out a scene of this nature. Therefore any player may, at any time:

  • Call for a fade_to_black to end the scene.
  • Call for less descriptive emotes.
  • Ask to be killed rather than to roleplay the consequences of torture, loss of limbs, etc., or simply to end the scene.
  • Any scene sexual in nature MUST have the OOC consent of all players involved before the scene starts.

%^BOLD%^%^CYAN%^If someone fails to respect a fade to black or withdrawal of consent, log off and contact staff via Discord or lawmail. First time offenders will be jailed, second time offenders will be banned.

Rule 16: No repeat killings or harassment

Repeatedly assaulting or killing the same character is considered harassment and will not be tolerated. Likewise, killing a person because they killed you (aka revenge killing), either personally or by proxy, is not allowed. Note that characters who repeatedly engage in robberies and/or murder, or target lower-level characters, will find the world reacting accordingly: IC actions have IC consequences.

Rule 17: Always PKmail

You are required to write a pkmail in the following circumstances:

  • When you are involved in, or witness, a player vs player event, regardless of the outcome.
  • When you commit, or are involved in, an action that makes you wanted in a city, even if that action was unintentional.
  • When you place or claim a bounty on someone.

This applies even if you have a NOPK flag or choose to invoke the fade away rule.

The PK mail should include:

  • Who engaged? When, where and why did it happen?
  • Were there any witnesses, casualties and/or property damage?
  • What was the result of your encounter?
  • What, if any, precautions did you take to conceal or cover up the PK?

Rule 18: Death in PK

After a PK has been resolved, please refer to post pk for rules on how to proceed.

Below is the short version:

If you are killed in a PK, you will lose some experience and gain a NOPK flag. The NOPK period following a death will last for 14 days, but you may choose to take a voluntary absence of 7 days instead. During the NOPK period, you may not contact, scry or otherwise attempt to learn anything about your killers. You must avoid them, as well as anyone attempting to avenge your death and any popular public places. At the killer's request, you may be temporarily removed from plots or positions.

If you kill someone in a PK, you must notify staff of any plots you wish the victim temporarily removed from. During the victim's NOPK period, you may not contact, scry or otherwise attempt to learn anything about them. You are, however, allowed to seek out any witnesses or other involved parties.

If you witness or learn of a death, that character is dead until they choose to contact you. If you were directly involved in their death, you should avoid the victim while you are pursuing, or being pursued by, their killer(s).

Failure to comply with the rules will result in punishment and repeat offenders may be banned and/or rid. If these rules are unclear, contact our staff for clarification.

rules.1715002188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/06 13:29 by titania