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Lady of Light, Champion of the Rose, Guardian of Antioch

Domain: light, love, hope, renewal, healing, dawn, self-sacrifice, righteous fury
Symbol: a crimson rose upon a shield of gold
Sacred Items/Creatures: sunstones, rubies, topaz, phoenixes, doves, asters, roses, daffodils
Resonance: Light
Spell domains: renewal, sun, fire, good, glory
Allies: Callamir, Kreysneothosies, Lysara
Enemies: Lord Shadow, Nilith


Jarmila served for most of her life within the church of the god of light, ascending through its ranks to eventually join, and then lead, a regiment of the Order of the Aster. During the Silence she was sent to the temple near Tabor, and became instrumental in turning back the armies of Tonovi not once, but twice. She was secretly charged with protecting the relic of Love by the high priestess of Sune, following the first attack upon Torm. She then took a mortal wound from Bane during the defense of Antioch. For her actions as a champion of the faithful, Lathander surrendered his chance at divine restoration to raise her back to life, and charged her with the renewal of the faith as the new deity of Light.


Before her ascension to godhood, Jarmila was a human and therefore most likely possesses some memory of what it was like to be human. She is the representation of motherly love, which is manifest in her willingness to forgive and heal, but also punish those who stray from the flock. When prompted to action, she can be the embodiment of righteous fury, a blazing beacon of light in the darkness. Jarmila's ideals include glorious combat for a righteous cause, protection of the weak and helpless, illuminating the darkest parts of the world with light, and cleansing evil with searing flames. She believes that good exists in everyone and that evil is a choice that is willingly made.

Regards to Mortals

Jarmila does not typically speak directly to her followers, but can cause auspicious or miraculous events to happen, such as cleansing a tainted follower or protecting followers within her temple. Those who have communicated with her have explained the interaction as an exchange of feelings. She may put one's mind at ease, or bestow feelings of reassurance, or even in some cases, ire or disappointment. Jarmila does seem to believe in second chances, and will often give her followers multiple chances to fail before she shows her impatience. She expects her followers to actively destroy or convert/cleanse corrupted or evil creatures. The truly dedicated, who live and die in her name, can be returned as a deva.

Regards to Undead

The faith is directly opposed to the undead, and any use thereof, making efforts to purge them wherever they are found.

Regards to Outsiders

The faith is directly opposed to shadow creatures, demons, and devils, and any creature with associated blood or abilities. Devas and other good celestials are revered by this faith. Fey and fey-blooded are tolerated and even accepted.


Clergy of Jarmila dress for rituals in formal robes of white lined with gold, and bear a crimson rose brooch. When travelling, priests and knights dress as they will, but always wear the same brooch to symbolise their calling. Armor, where it is called for, is preferred with golden coloration or highlights whenever possible.


Seek always to better both yourself, and the world around you. Cultivate the light wherever it may take root, for it is where joy and love spring forth that life's true purpose is fulfilled. Nourish beauty in its many forms, and let it thrive and brighten the lives of all it touches. It is your sacred calling to foster new growth and renewal across the lands, and to protect it from those who would do it harm. Be ever alert against darkness and corruption, and do not hesitate to strike them down before they can foster rot in the hearts of mortals.


Jarmila accepts followers of light and twilight resonances, but only bestows her powers upon those of the light.

Faith-based groups

  • Disciples of the Rose: A sect of followers dedicated to the furtherance of love and beauty throughout the realm. They sponsor artists of various kinds, and preside over marriages and coming-of-age ceremonies, though they work to promote love in all of its forms, not only matrimony. Their teachings are of true love triumphing over all, and that beauty is more than skin deep, also manifestating through beautiful acts and creations.
  • The Golden Guard: The paladin arm of the faith, a group that works in defense of the church and its interests. They are active particularly in efforts to purge the Dark Trail near Antioch, seeing the undead as an affront to their Lady. They also regularly serve as protectors for other sects of the faith in their travels.
  • Hands of the Lady: An order of healers, both divine and alchemic, who dedicate their efforts to tending the sick and the frail. They are tasked never to turn away any request for help made in good faith, for through renewal all may come to learn the ways of the light.
  • Crimson Templars: An order of heroes who, in the wake of the Long Night, dedicated themselves to making sure that such a calamity would never happen again. Taking inspiration from The Holy Phoenix and Deva of Jarmila, Mal'Kor, the Crimson Templars ceaselessly fight all threats to the world from without and within. This group, many of whom are veterans of the Long Night, consists of Jarmilans, Edeans and Kreysneothosians.
  • The Rose Crusade: Launched by the Jarmilian deva, Rosalind de Montbard, the crusade left the realm for unknown lands in 761 SG where it was reinforced by champions of Kreysneothosies. While official numbers are not known it is estimated that ten thousand soldiers, reinforced by silver, bronze, and copper dragons, as well as lesser celestials, battle in the sands of the Tsarven Empire. Under the command of a deva, they are almost to a person inflexible in their duties to wipe out evil wherever it hides, and to wage war on whoever would harbor such corruption.
jarmila.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 21:05 by titania