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Prestige Class

Beast Master:


Level 20 Ranger\\ 
14 Base Wisdom\\ 
10 Points Spent in Survival Skill\\ 

Class Feats:

L1: chosen animal

L4: pack leader

L7: bestial frenzy

Whether born in the wild or lost to civilization, some find the company of beasts preferable to that of the more intelligent races. A bond of trust and camaraderie is formed over time with the members of their pack, and they eventually are seen as not only a member of the pack, but the alpha member. These individuals, known as beast masters, possess an unrivaled ability to lead their pack on the hunt, bringing down their foes with a newfound cunning.

Beast Masters begin their careers as rangers and scouts, but soon find their home amongst a pack of their choice.

See also: feats, skills, spells, cast, prepare, combatstyle, animal companion

helpfiles/classes/beast_master.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)