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mass cure critical wounds
Class: cleric : 8druid : 9inquisitor:5
Syntax: cast CLASS mass cure critical wounds on TARGET

This is a stronger version of the cleric spell, cure critical wounds. When cast on the caster or any party member, it will heal the caster and any party members of the caster who are present in the area. When cast on a hostile attacker, it will hit all hostiles in the immediate area, healing those that are living, and hurting those that are undead. When cast on a neutral creature that is neither in the caster's party or hostile to the caster, it will hit all creatures in the area, healing those that are living and hurting those that are undead.

helpfiles/spells/m/mass_cure_critical_wounds.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)