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Location: northwest of shadow, under Juran (which is now being used as a front)
Rulership: matriachal theocracy of The Faceless One
Rise: circa 630SG
Allies: Tharis
Enemies: Kinaro

Est. Pop. 601 to 2000

Religious ties

Power is currently held by The Faceless One visibly.


Darol'dralych has been set up by the remnant families of Juran'xundessa, following its fall in 0SG. They were clans lurking in caverns beneath their lost settlement, rallied and shaped to the cause by the ruthless hand of N'sykah Dau'viir, adopted daughter of the first house. She is a chosen priestess of The Faceless One who is believed to have been sent to restore their former glory. It was established beneath their once homeland of Juran, which was left untouched to serve as a convenient front of “rabble” to keep the surfacers at bay. It is only a small city as far as drow settlements go, consisting of approximately 55 noble houses.

The known named houses of the eight ruling council of Darol'dralych are:

Dau'viir (Number1 - assumed leadership)
Sszerin (Number2 - attempting to assume number one status but allied with number 1)
Xundessa (Number3 - founding house)
Oussana (Number4 - Tharis/Darol'Dralych)
Nuah'Katsi (Number 7 - fractured, with remnants in the wailing chasm)
Ithquent (Number 8 - Splintered house of dragon cultists)

A small force of Darol'dralych's army, led by N'sykah, were involved in the destruction of Daggerdale. This was mainly for it firstly serving as a good distraction (while they constructed their city on the other side of the realm, in the west), and to sever Kinaro's main ties to other cities. They seek to undermine Kinaro, as the settlement serves as its main opposition in this region of underdark. However, they have yet to be able to overthrow the dwarven settlement, due to its heavy military reinforcements from Barak Morndin.

daroldralych.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 17:25 by titania