One of the most exciting parts of a roleplaying game like Sundering Shadows is participating in something bigger than yourself, something that changes the world or a tiny corner of it, or even just gaining some interaction from the GMs. Here, those GMs are called immortals, most typically avatars. Because we are strictly a volunteer MUD, it can be difficult at times to catch an immortal online or find one who is free. So what can you do to drum up some roleplay and feel like your part of something bigger?

First, by RP'ing with the characters around you, they will generally drag you into the plots in some way or another. Typically, if your character has a question about something and does research/takes any sort of action in reaction to something he's seen or heard, you can avatarmail what your character has questions about and what he/she has done to get them answered. An avatar will generally respond to your inquiry via mudmail, an interaction, or a tell for clarification so they know how to respond in character.

Second, if you have an idea for some great storyline that your character would like to get started, simply avatarmail your idea and how your character might bring your idea about. An avatar will get back to you to discuss it and let you know whether or not it is possible, and offer support/aid to your character. This options is for actions your character would do personally, but for which you need aid, such as placing a curse on Shadow, or freeing all the slaves from Tonovi, etc.

Third, if you are in the middle of your RP and your character has a thought about something that you'd like the immortals to hear and possibly respond to, simply use thought to send up your thought. If an avatar is on and watching, they'll generally respond. For example, Bob the butcher is praying to Lord Shadow in the temple of Jarmila and your character walks in and you think, 'Wtf?!' Your character might send up a thought such as “I'm surprised this man is not struck down for praying to Lord Shadow in the temple of Jarmila!” If an avatar is not around at the time and you get no response, you might follow it up with a pcnote detailing what your character saw and what he/she thought about it. Avatars oftentimes go through pcnotes to get ideas on interactions to run with players. Additionally, if it was something that your character would follow up on, you can avatarmail what you saw and what you did/want to do in response. In the example above, you might have avatarmailed what you saw and also included that you want to alert Jarmila's clergy to what happened and do a little research into what Bob might be planning.

Fourth, if you have some great idea for a plot that your character might not necessarily instigate on his/her own, you might just avatarmail up the idea and an avatar may or may not pick it up. For example, if you thought it would be super cool to have a drow raiding party sneak up at night to raid Kinaro so that players might have something to respond to, avatarmail it up. Depending on the avatars' current work load and how feasible the plot is to do, they may just take the idea and run with it! Fresh thoughts are always welcome.

For more information, see Loki's plot guide!