The history of Sundering Shadows is marked by the many brave adventurers and vicious villains who have inhabited it through the years. It is riddled with war, dragons, demons, allegiances, gods, destruction, and renewal. The faith of the world has hung in the balance many times, but the forces of good have always prevailed. So far.
An ancient artifact known as the Shadow Gate was destroyed, causing widespread destruction and trapping several gods within, among them the goddess of magic and knowledge herself. In an earthquake of enormous magnitude, a huge block of land split off, forming what is now known as the island of Laerad. The unnatural desert east of Shadow and the Godsplains on Laerad are all that is left to tell the tale of this terrible event.
The centuries that follow see the rise of humankind in the world, a magnitude of wonders and a range of terrible wars. New Antioch becomes a staple of light in the world, a stark and resolute contrast to the evils of Tharis and Tonovi. The elves retreat into their vast forests, while the dwarves maintain their mountain kingdom, in constant conflict with the giantkin and other beast races that call the hills their home. Far below, in the underdark, the lower races plot and scheme and wage wars of their own.
Heroes and villains come and go, but nobody could have predicted the trials and tribulations that marked the 700s. How did the following events affect your character and their family?
A large floating city emerged above Tharis, pulled from the plane of Shadows in a ritual of mythical proportions. The city presented itself as Tenebrosa, Capitol of the Shadovar, and their ruler, Lord Shadow, claimed dominion over Tharis. The city was already divided by warring factions and easily defeated. Thus began the rule of the Shades in the Tharis region, which laid the groundwork for the rise of Tharis as the City of Monsters many decades later.
The Darkwood and Dagger regions are plagued by seasons of abnormal weather, which will later be known as the First Elemental Storm. An excruciatingly hot summer gives way to a winter so cold it freezes even the vast Shadow desert and the seashore beyond. Food is in short supply, and the situation becomes desperate. An entity known as Ryorik is rumored to be the cause of the storm. The weather becomes increasingly more unstable until one night, the storms are silenced by the song of a bard and a wedding, known as Ryorik's Wedding.
Kismet, ancient goddess of knowledge, breaks free of her imprisonment in the Shadow Gate, and in her rage throws all other deities down to earth. The deities, stripped of their divinity, gather their faithful and many battles are fought. The old gods die or disappear, giving rise to the current pantheon. It is known as the Silence, for during this time all prayers go unanswered, and the clerics of the realm have no power.
With the elemental gods lost, the elements themselves are thrown into imbalance. Yet another season of unstable weather plagues the already famished lands, killing many and leading even more into despair. Entities from the elemental planes attempt to use this opportunity to claim dominion over the mortal realm. Ryorik thwarts their plans and takes his place as the new Elemental God.
Following the famish of the elemental storms and the upheaval of the pantheon, the coming decade is marked by grief and trouble. Mortals struggle to come to terms with the loss of their old gods, while the new gods compete to prove their place in the pantheon. Some fail and are lost to history, while others rise to claim their place. Crime is rampant across the realm. Villains thrive and the heroes of light strive to keep their lantern lit in an ever-darker world. Towards the end of the decade, the Prophecy of Light and Night resurfaces, and rumors spread of a coming evil the likes of which the world has never seen.
As the darkness grows beneath the realm, Ryorik suddenly vanishes, casting the world into a third elemental storm. On Springtime 1st, 751 SG, a hole of pure darkness erupts outside the gates of Antioch and destroys most of the city. The pillar of darkness shoots up to the sky and covers all the lands in a night that never seems to end. Ashra, The Primordial Evil, has awakened. While the specifics of how the Primordial Evil awoke are not widely known, most everyone would soon learn that the demonic creature known as Balur Black, Herald of Ashra, facilitated Her coming.
Despair spreads across the land during what will be known as The Long Night. Crops wilt from lack of sunlight or drown in freak storms, reservoirs succumb to rot or sudden wildfires. Monsters, either emboldened by Ashra or merely desperate for food, ravage the countryside, burning farms and eating people. Undead hunt openly. The last farms and villages are abandoned when humans and their allies flock to the cities for shelter. They are met with sickness, hunger, cold and closed doors. The year without sun is especially hard for elves and fey races, who wilt along with their precious nature. It is estimated that as much as half of the world's population die during this period.
A coalition of heroes known as The Alliance Reborn and their allies worked tirelessly to bring back the Light. Many more gathered to aid people everywhere to ease their suffering and beat back the monsters of Night. The coalition discovers four artifacts known as the Elemental Hearts, that when worn by a suitably attuned individual, imbues the Heart Bearer with the powers of the respective element.
On Autumnstime 8th, 751 SG, these Heart Bearers and their allies unite the Elemental Hearts at the base of the World Tree. A grand battle is fought in the forest east of Tharis when the forces of darkness attempt to stop the ritual. The Light is victorious, and their combined powers tame the elemental storm and awakens Edea, Celestial Light. She rises to battle her dark sister Ashra, and her presence ends the eternal night, restoring the balance of night and day. The deities Seija and Khyron are born.
For those wishing to delve deeper into these events, books on the Silence and the Long Night can be found in Shadow Library.
A rebellion in Tonovi sees the nobility dethroned and slavery abolished. The former slaves, most of whom are elves and half-elves, are chased out of the city. This rebellion lays the foundation of Tonovi as a human supremacy under the governance of Unity.
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