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skills add NUMBER to SKILL
skills remove NUMBER from SKILL

This command will list the skills available on the mud. The number in brackets is your base, unmodified skill, which you allocate yourself with points.

For core skills, you will receive 4 points per 2 levels to spend as you choose; thieves and bards will receive 6 points per 2 levels.

For craft skills, you will receive 1 point per 2 levels regardless of class.

To add points to a skill use <skills add NUMBER to SKILL>. You can only spend limited amount of free points based on your level and class.

To remove poins from a skill use <skills remove NUMBER from SKILL>. This will incur a character improvement tax based on your level.

Your rank in a skill, outside the brackets, is your total modified skill, which you use in your checks. It includes bonuses from:

  • stats: 1 point per 2 past 10, in the appropriate stat
  • levels: 1 point per 2 levels for class skills, 1 point per 5 for non-class
  • Other, such as items, spells and effects.
help SKILL

Displays individual skill help files.

Core Skills


A player's academics skill indicates the book learning and general knowledge of the character. It would cover areas of writing, arithmetic, knowledge of history and other academic pursuits including, but not limited to, the following: arcane lore, calculus, engineering, geography, geology, geometry, probability, local knowledge, logic, military tactics, monster lore, nature lore, nobility lore, planar lore, religious lore, trigonometry, and weather patterns.

Stat basis intelligence
Current areas of influence writing, reading, forgery, item lore
Related helpfiles skills, write, sign, study


A player's athletics skill indicates their aptitude at various physical activities requiring speed, precision and/or reflexes. It would cover areas of jumping, climbing, rolling, and horseback abilities.

Stat basis dexterity
Current areas of influence climbing, riding, scramble, reflection
Related helpfiles skills, horses, scramble, reflection *feats


A player's dungeoneering skill indicates their understanding of mechanical items, and other intricate constructions. This will usually involve dealing with a variety of locks and rigged traps, both in recognizing and dismantling them.

Stat basis dexterity
Current areas of influence finding and removing traps, picking locks
Related helpfiles skills, trap


A player's endurance skill indicates their ability to withstand long and gruelling activities. This can range from extended travel, lengthy combat sequences, or holding one's breath underwater.

Stat basis constitution
Current areas of influence stamina use
Related helpfiles skills


A character's healing skill indicates their ability to mend injuries and illnesses. It involves the full range of abilities, from simple first aid to complex surgery (bearing in mind the medieval setting). Healing attempts can also be made upon various mounts, but these are more difficult. A character knowledge of potion brewing can extend their knowledge of healing into the field of alchemy, creating mixtures to aid or hinder.

Stat basis wisdom
Current areas of influence healing, healing mount, brewing
Related helpfiles skills, heal, brew potion


A player's influence skill indicates their ability to convince others of a belief or path of action. It involves both persuasion and intimidation, depending which may be called upon at a time.

Stat basis charisma
Current areas of influence vendor pricing, followers and/or henchmen
Related helpfiles skills


A player's perception skill indicates their alertness to their surroundings. It involves noticing things that would normally go unheeded, including hidden items and creatures.

Stat basis wisdom
Current areas of influence opposed checks to theft and eavesdropping
Related helpfiles skills, bind, struggle, eavesdrop, watch

Rope Use

A player's rope use skill indicates their aptitude with ropes and knots. It involves both binding others in rope, and escaping from such bindings.

Stat basis dexterity
Current areas of influence binding, struggling
Related helpfiles skills, bind, struggle


A player's stealth skill indicates their aptitude at moving while unseen and unheard. It affects abilities that involve hiding within one's surroundings, and a thief's ability to move into a position unnoticed in order to stab an opponent.

Stat basis dexterity
Current areas of influence sneaking, hide in shadows
Related helpfiles skills, sneak, hide in shadows


A player's spellcraft skill indicates their knowledge of magic and its effects. It involves knowledge of spells, scrolls and magical items, and the use of these abilities and items.

Stat basis intelligence
Current areas of influence scroll use, spell recognition, identification of items, spell reflection
Related helpfiles skills, study, spell reflection


A player's survival skill indicates their understanding of life in the wilderness. It affects abilities such as tracking, and the ability to gather natural materials from one's surroundings, such as food and hides.

Stat basis wisdom
Current areas of influence tracking, skinning, foraging
Related helpfiles skills, track, skin, forage


A player's thievery skill indicates their quickness of hand. It affects abilities used to steal or place items upon another person unseen, or to hide items upon oneself or within the surrounding area.

Stat basis dexterity
Current areas of influence stealing, pick pockets, item concealment
Related helpfiles skills, steal, pp, hide

Craft Skills

A player's craft skills indicate their abilities to repair and/or create items of that kind.

Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair, alterobj, enchant, disenchant, brew

Craft, armorsmith

Armorsmithing allows for the crafting of metal-based armors, including plate and chain varieties.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items banded mail, barding, boots, breastplate, brigandine, chain mail, coif, field plate, full plate, gauntlets, greaves, helm, plate mail, ring mail, scale mail, shield, splint mail, tower shield

Craft, leatherworker

Leatherworking allows for the crafting of a variety of leather and hide-based armors, as well as whips.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items barding, boots, breastplate, buckler, cape, coif, gauntlets, giant holster, giant sheathe, greaves, hide, largehostler, large sheath, large sleeve, leather, medium holster, medium sheath, medium sleeve, padded, shield strap, sling, small sheath, studded, whip

Craft, weaponsmith

Weaponsmithing allows for the crafting of a variety of metal-based weapons.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items arquebus, bastard sword, cannon, cannonball, cartridge, claw, culverin, dagger, darts, dwarven waraxe, elven curved blade, estoc, falcata, fan, flail, giant axe, giant hammer, giant mace, giant sword, grapeshot, hackbut, kukri, large axe, large hammer, longsword, mace, medium hammer, musket, pistol, polearm, rapier, scimitar, scythe, shortsword, shurikens, small axe, small hammer, two-handed sword, wand, waveblade

Craft, jeweller

Jewelling allows for the crafting of a variety of ornate jewelry and accessories, including rings, bracers and amulets.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items anklet, bracelet, bracers, circlet, necklace, ring

Craft, tailor

Tailoring allows for the crafting of various types of clothing.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items belt, breeches, caparison, cloak, gloves, hat, large sack, pocket robe, robe, shirt, shoes, small sack

Craft, woodworker

A player's craft skills indicate their abilities to repair and/or create items of that kind. Woodworking allows for the crafting of various carved items, including bows and arrows, staves, instruments and statues.

Stat basis Intelligence
Current areas of influence crafting, repairing
Related helpfiles skills, craft, repair
Craftable items bolts, cane, carving, crossbow, darts, drums, flight arrows, flute, giant club, guitar, lance, lap-harp, large club, large spear, long bow, lute, lyre, mandolin, medium club, medium spear, medium staff, nunchucks, pan pipes, pipe, quarter staff, rod, scroll case, sheath arrows, shield, short bow, small club, small spear, tower shield, wand
skills.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/18 03:36 by titania