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Stat adjustments | +2 to stat of choice* |
Innate spells | none |
Size | medium |
Standard resonances | any |
Classes allowed | any |
Normal adventuring starting age | 18-20 |
Average life span | 110 |
Extra Feat | bonus feat at level 1 |
Adaptable | 4 extra skill points at level 1 |
Human Heritage | Additional bonuses based on ethnicity |
Human form is where the term “humanoid” comes from. Humans have two arms, two legs, and stand near two meters high. Their skin comes in varying shades from light tan to dark brown, with visible hair of all normal colors on the top of their heads and occassionally as mustaches or beards in the case of the males who have not shaved.
Creatures referred to as 'planetouched' are human, but have some kind of planar ancestor at some point in their history. These consist of tieflings (fiendish blood), aasimar (celestial blood), feytouched (fey blood), and genasi (elemental blood). These should not be confused with half-bloods, who bear a direct planar parent.
See also: tiefling, dhampir, aasimar, feytouched, genasi, air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, water genasi
There are a total of nine broad human ethnic groups recognized across the realm, each with a unique history and heritage. Due to this, some have a slight pre-disposition to skills and other abilities that their human kindred in other areas and of different lineages do not.
Please note: Even though certain half-breeds, such as half-elves, may be prompted to choose a human ethnicity, they do not receive the benefits of that region. The choice is simply a matter of roleplay and fleshing out the character's history. The other part of their heritage muddles the ethnicity, weakening the ties to the bloodline.
Region: Shadow, Tabor, Tharis, Antioch and Dagger region mixed
Short to mid height, a causasian complexion (not as pale as the Aesatri), nearly all shades of hair and eyes due to their mingled stock. A varied people that inhabits the central Shadow region, most commonly farmers and traders.
Modern reference: mixed mid-european
Bonuses adaptation: | (+1 saves vs spells), silver palm (+1 influence) |
Region: Tsarven empire (Lirremar, Phaederia, Djyaristan, and mingled stock of Sindh)
Short to mid height, swarthy skin, usually dark narrowed eyes and dark hair. The primary human stock of most Tsarven kingdoms, save for Morinnen, and Sindh where they are intermingled with Attayan stock of old. Descended from the original slave stock of the Djinni who ruled the region many millennia before.
Modern reference: arabic
Bonuses: | streetwise (+1 stealth/percept in city areas), quick (+1 init) |
Region: central steppes of the Tsarven empire (Morinnen and Lirremar)
Mid to tall height, olive skin, usually dark narrowed eyes and dark hair. Insular folk of the central Tsarven steppes, known particularly for their skill in handling and breeding horses.
Modern reference: mongolian steppes-folk
Bonuses: | nomad (+1 survival), saddleborn (+1 BAB when mounted) |
Region: Dagger region mixed, Asgard
Tall stature, a long head, light skin and hair, and light-colored eyes. From the tribes of the icy northern reaches and the populace of Asgard, as well as the nobility of Torm, and mingled citizens of both Torm and Tonovi.
Modern reference: nordic
Bonuses: | survivor (+1 fort saves), wary (+1 dodge bonus to ac) |
More on Aesatri
Region: Antioch mixed
Short stature, dark hair, dark eyes, narrow shoulders, a caucasian complexion (but not the pallid-white of the Aesatri) and comparatively round head. Very little of this bloodline remains following the disappearance in -549SG of their ruling houses. Presently, only apparent within the nobility of the kingdom of Antioch, and some mingling among their citizenry.
Modern reference: roman
Bonuses: | weavetouched (3x detect magic/day), arcane affinity (+1 spellcraft) |
Region: Seneca, Sindh mixed
Mid height, caucasian skin tone, dark eyes and usually dark, curled hair. The primary stock of Seneca, and a large portion of the populace of the Tsarven kingdom of Sindh, originally as refugees from the Kinnesarudan wars several centuries previous.
Modern reference: spanish
Bonuses: | bravery feat, educated (+1 academics) |
Region: Wildlands (west of Shadow region)
Uncertain translation according to linguists the Maal translate roughly to “us and not you”; this term relates only to the western wildlands tribes, though it is sometimes used in error to refer to other tribal peoples such as those of Tonerra. Tall, wiry black hair, ebon skin and dark eyes, strong jaw and broad brow. They are the dominant inhabitants of the Wildlands, making up many segregated tribal groups. Not a great deal is known about them but that they often engage in hostilities with the Senzokuan.
Modern reference: african
Bonuses: | resistant (5SDR), bullheaded (+1 will saves) |
Region: Wildlands (west of Shadow region)
Known among themselves as the Senzoku, “the thousand clans”. Short, olive/yellow skinned, fine-boned and usually with a flattened nose, given to straight black hair and slanted almond-shaped eyes of brown or black. Less prevalent inhabitants of the Wildlands, living in allied family clans and engaged in regular hostilities with Maalish tribes, usually over land disputes. Some intermingling bloodlines found in Lirremar, where the Tsarven empire borders the Wildlands.
Modern reference: asian
Bonuses: | slippery (+1 reflex saves), arcane schooling (+1 L1 spell slot) |
Region: Danger, Tonerra, Dallyh (Saakrune islands, east of Shadow region)
Known among themselves as the Tonaz'Tlacar, “the shining ones”. Mid stature, dark hair, olive or tan skin and eyes from green through hazel and brown. Prominent cheek bones, a rounded face and narrow eyes. Rarely found on the mainland; native stock of the continent of Danger, as well as some islands of the Saakrune Sea.
Modern reference: south american
Bonuses: | hunter (+1 stealth/percept in wilderness), dauntless (+10hp) |