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A list of commands of interest in a PK:

<bind PLAYER> binds the player or

                        secures a bound player (requires rope)\\ 

<unbind PLAYER> unbinds the player

<strip PLAYER of ITEM> strips the player of an item/money

<gag PLAYER> gags the player

<ungag PLAYER> removes the player's gag

<blindfold PLAYER> puts a blindfold on the player

<unblindfold PLAYER> removes a blindfold from the player

<drag PLAYER> starts to drag the bound player

<drop PLAYER> drops the bound and dragged player

<bio> checks if you are bound, gagged, blindfolded

<struggle> lets you attempt to struggle free of your ropes

<hit PLAYER> deals a deathblow, murdering the player

SEE ALSO: death, rules, pk rules, post pk rules, pkmail, nopk, fade to black, fade away, alts, flag, races, set, lawmail, avatarmail, roleplaying, shorthand.

helpfiles/rules/pk_commands.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)