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Besides race and class, characters can sometimes gain something called an acquired template, which represents a major occurence that changes the character in some essential way. Templates do not take the place of race but are a sort of modifier to race.

There are a few templates which can be taken on character creation:

* Werewolf

* Weretiger

Other templates are acquired typically through player or avatar led plot, where something major happens to the character. Many of these templates require some form of divine intervention, though others, like Vampire, can be gained through long-term effort with another Vampire.

* Agent of Chaos

* Deva

* Feyborn

* Shade

* Undead

* Vampire

A character may ONLY have ONE template. Also keep in mind that transitioning from one template to another would be a major effort.

Please see the individual help files of these templates for more info.

helpfiles/races/templates.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)