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Stat adjustments: -2 strength, -2 constitution, +2 intelligence, +4 charisma

Innate spells: telepathic bond, captivate

Size: medium

Standard alignments: NG, CG, CN

Genders allowed: female

Classes allowed: bard, cleric, druid, inquisitor, mage, magus, oracle, sorcerer, thief, warlock

Normal adventuring starting age: 90

Average life span: 900

Racial Traits:

Fey Sorcery - +1 clevel for sorcerers with fey bloodline

Confidence - +2 to will saves

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Magical - +2 spellcraft


Many have lost their lives in vain search of the beauty of the nymph, and many more to the madness and obsession their grace has upon minds and bodies unprepared for their companionship. Yet the nymph herself is not a cruel creature; a guardian of nature's purest places and most beautiful realms, she treats those who respect her and her abode with kindness, and may even favor someone who takes her fancy with magical gifts. Yet those who would seek to abuse or harm her or her home quickly find that behind her beauty is a fierce protector more than capable of defending her charge.

Nymph are creatures of the feywild, and thus don't understand mortality. Their natural curiosity leads them out of the feywild into mortal realm, but they prefer to keep to nature, quietly studying beauty of the world, rarely venturing outside of the communities of fey creatures. Of mortal races they mostly speak - of course - to elves, less often to gnomes, halflings. They are afraid of what might come from humans and dwarves, despise drow and all fell races. However, due to their playfulness, curiosity and carefree nature, the strongly individual nymph can be found all over supporting a wide variety of different causes.

helpfiles/races/nymph.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)