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Ghostwise halfling:

Stat adjustments: +2 dexterity, -2 strength, +2 charisma

Innate spells: ghost step, telepathic bond

Size: small

Standard alignments: any non-evil

Classes allowed: barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, inquisitor, oracle, paladin, psion, psywarrior, ranger, thief

Normal adventuring starting age: 21-32

Average life span: 150

Racial Traits:

Fearless - Immune to fear

Halfling Luck - +1 bonus to all saves

Stalker - +2 to stealth

Keen Senses - +2 to perception


Ghostwise halflings are the rarest of the three subraces, and are far more savage and insular than their cousins, and more attuned with nature. They live within clan groups, and will rarely leave their woodland homes for any reason, abhorring the civilizations of other races. They have minor telepathic abilities, due to the extreme closeness of their kinship. Ghostwise halflings have dark, straight hair and eyes of brown or black. They tend toward chaotic alignments.

See also: halfling

helpfiles/races/ghostwise_halfling.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)