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Feline beastkin:

Stat adjustments: +4 dexterity, -2 intelligence

Innate spells: ghost step

Size: medium

Standard alignments: any

Classes allowed: barbarian, bard, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, thief

Normal adventuring starting age: 14-23

Average life span: 90

Racial Traits:

Animal Instincts - +2 to reflex saves

Tough Hide - +2 natural armor

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Silent Hunter - +2 stealth, +2 survival


Beastkin of a feline totem believe in an alpha mentality. The most powerful in the pride is always the chieftain and will have first pick of all spoils. They are predatory, keen, and will utilize intimidation and shows of hostility in social situations as they jockey for status within the tribe; unsheathing claws, fluffing their fur to make themselves appear larger, and presenting particularly impressive kills. However, their individualism and ambition are quickly set aside if a threat rises from outside of their community, falling into line under their leader until the danger has passed. Even during these times, they will show off and use it as an opportunity to gain status among their peers.

Graceful and lithe, feline beastkin are coated in a thick pelt of fur that resembles that of their totemic animal. They sport tails, paws, retractile claws, and cat-like ears, each feature borrowing from the imagery of their tribal totem. Some beastkin can even sport stripes or manes as their tribe takes on the traits of the great cats, such as lions or tigers. Their teeth are sharp, and these beastkin are generally carnivorous.

Felines constantly need to prove themselves as the best. To other felines of their tribe, they truly respect another's skills even as they compete among themselves, each spurring their tribe to increase their abilities and power and thus strengthening the whole.

See also: beastkin

helpfiles/races/feline_beastkin.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)