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Playable Subraces: moon elf, sun elf, wood elf, wild elf, fey'ri

Innate Spells: commune (except fey'ri)

Racial Traits:

Elven Magic - +2 spell penetration

Elven Immunities - +2 to saves vs charm spells, sleep immunity

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Keen Senses - +2 perception


Elves are one of the most ancient races and existed before The Creation in the world far away. Their history is steeped in magic and learning. This age they are a decadent, fading race that prefers to live in seclusion, clinging onto the past glory. They are usually beautiful creatures possessed of unearthly grace, that grow slowly and are extremely longlived, up to more than 500 years old. They reach physical maturity at approximately 25, and emotional maturity by 125. Elves do not scar save by magical injuries, and they tend to be immune to normal illnesses, as only magical ailments seem to trouble them.

As longlived creatures, they tend to take a long time to come to decisions, much to the frustration of shorter-lived companions. They have little care for money, instead taking greater interest in the beauty of art, music, nature, arcanistry, and other such lengthy pursuits. They tend to prefer the company of their own kind first and foremost, and do not make friends easily with others; many look down on shorter-lived races as lesser than themselves.

Elves do not grow any kind of facial hair, and have long ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes. Considered by many to be a beautiful race, they are usually slender and a little shorter than a standard human, with angular features. They do not sleep, but instead enter a waking trance known as the 'reverie', during which they relive parts of their lives (it's difficult to remember several hundred years of life without going over it!). They do not age as humans, retaining their looks from adulthood onwards, except for the rare few that choose to show their age in their features or those who are way too old to resist it.

See also: moon elf, sun elf, wood elf, wild elf, fey'ri, drow, szarkai

helpfiles/races/elf.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)