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Prestige Class

Primeval Champion:


Level 20 Druid\\ 
Mastery of Fang and Claw\\ 
Savage Instincts II\\ 
20 Strength or Dexterity, before equipment modifiers\\ 

Class Feats:

L1: wild shape dragon

L4: natural fighting

L7: perfect predator

The primeval champion is the master of fighting while shapeshifted. She is able to change into a mighty dragon at first level and attack her foes with all the savage ferocity of such a beast. As fourth level, the primeval champion becomes even more deadly while fighting in form, learning to attack even faster. Finally when a primeval champion reaches level seven she learns to become truely savage, a perfect killing machine. Her attacks become more damaging and she heals each time she strikes an opponent.

See also: feats, skills, spells, cast, prepare

helpfiles/classes/primeval_champion.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)