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Name: Grace

Type: Permanent

Prerequisites: Paladin or Cleric

Paladins and Clerics are able to draw upon a divine pool of resources to enhance their natural combat abilities. This pool is known as their Grace pool.

This pool fuels the paladin's ability to Smite their foes, to Channel Divine Energy, Lay on Hands, and utilize their Bonded Weapon, Bonded Armor, and Bonded Steed class features.

Clerics also use Grace to fuel the spell-like abilities granted by their domains or to Channel Divine Energy.

Divine Grace will replenish itself over time. To show your grace pool, please type 'help prompt'.

See also: paladin, channel, smite, layonhands, weapon bond, armor bond, bonded steed.

helpfiles/classes/grace.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)