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BLACKAbyssal Bloodline

Generations ago, a demon spread its filth into your heritage. While it does not manifest in all of your kin, for you it is particularly strong. You might sometimes have urges to chaos or evil, but your destiny (and alignment) is up to you.

Bloodline Arcana:

When using Monster Summoning spells, your summoned minions gain Damage Resistance and Spell Damage Resistance equal to 1 + clevel / 10.

Demonic Might (L31):

The power of the abyss flows through you, granting Poison and Electricity resistance percent equal to 20 + sorcerer level * 2

Bonus Bloodline Skill: athletics

Bonus Spells: acid splash, darkness, acid orb, fear, domination, impenetrable veil, acid fog, unholy aura, monster summoning ix

helpfiles/bloodlines/abyssal_bloodline.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)