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Stat adjustments +2 to stat of choice
Innate spells none
Size medium
Standard resonances any
Classes allowed any
Normal adventuring starting age 16-21
Average life span 155

Racial Traits

Adaptability Skill Focus as a free feat at level 1
Elven Immunity +2 to saves vs charm spells, sleep immunity
Low Light Vision +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark
Diplomatic +2 influence


Half-elves are perhaps the most diverse of all known races, made up of a combination between their elven and human heritage, with their skin color typically being that from their human side. They are still typically much like their elven heritage, however, with the delicate features of that race. They are only slightly taller than the average elf, but their weight and build is usually similar to their human side. Some half-elves prefer the company of other elven types, while others prefer humans.

A variety of individuals come from this weird half human, half elven species of breed. Anyone with both elven and human ancestors is either a human or a half-elf, if there are more or equal numbers of elven ancestors, the person is classified as a half-elf. If the elven features are readily apparent in the person (regardless of whether they only have 25% elven blood) then they are also considered a half-elf. Neither humans nor elves fully accept half-elves, and they are often ostracized and shunned by both sides. Some less civilized nations even view them with suspicion and superstition. Half-elves typically have the human curiosity, ambition and inventiveness, while retaining the elven love of nature and artistic tastes. Half-elves have no natural disposition towards light or dark. Though many are influenced towards the light by their elven ancestry, they may follow any path.

half-elf.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/19 17:07 by titania