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This command lets you report a bug, typo, or idea related to the game. Ensure your reports and ideas are concise and contain relevant details. All commands work with a TARGET, allowing you to report on specific objects in the game, or you can use 'here' to report on the current room.

Please double-check that your report is accurate and valid before submitting it.

For ideas, be thorough in planning and describing your proposal to increase the chances of it being considered.

game bug here | TARGET | DESCRIPTION
Report a bug in the current room or with a specific target. Ask for a wiz to confirm the issue and provide important details.

game typo here | TARGET | DESCRIPTION
Report a typo in the current room or with a specific target. This helps ensure the quality and accuracy of the game's text.

game idea here | TARGET | DESCRIPTION
Submit a game idea related to the current room or a specific target. Make sure your idea is well-planned and detailed, including flavor text if possible.

game.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 20:39 by titania