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mysteries [2023/09/03 19:22]
mysteries [2024/03/07 17:41] (current)
titania [Heavens Mystery]
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 ====== MYSTERIES ====== ====== MYSTERIES ======
-Each oracle draws upon a divine mystery to grant her spells and powers. Regardless of its sourcethe mystery manifests in a number of ways as the oracle gains levels. An oracle must pick one mystery upon taking her first level of oracle. An oracle's resonance is influenced (and restricted) by their mystery, as noted below.+Each oracle is driven by an enigmatic force that grants them spells and abilities. This compulsion might symbolize an unwavering dedication to a singular ideal, an irresistible urge to align with certain fundamental principles, or an inherent drive to champion a cause. Regardless of its originthis compelling force manifests in diverse ways as the oracle progresses in levels.  
 +Please note that this choice is permanent, and will remain even through abandonment of levels. 
 +An oracle's resonance is influenced (and restricted) by their mystery, as noted below.
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 Bonus Spells: true strike, divine weapon, keen edge, divine power, righteous Bonus Spells: true strike, divine weapon, keen edge, divine power, righteous
-might, greater magic weapon, foresight, earthquakestorm of vengeance+might, greater magic weapon, foresight, greater shoutcrushing hand
 =====Bones Mystery===== =====Bones Mystery=====
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 Class Skills: stealth, influence, dungeoneering Class Skills: stealth, influence, dungeoneering
-Bonus Spells: cause fear, false life, animate dead, boneshatter, slay living,+Bonus Spells: repair undead, false life, animate dead, boneshatter, slay living,
 circle of death, waves of exhaustion, horrid wilting, wail of the banshee circle of death, waves of exhaustion, horrid wilting, wail of the banshee
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 Class Skills: influence, perception, academics Class Skills: influence, perception, academics
-Bonus Spells: cause fear, levitate, resist energy, obsidian flow, fear, +Bonus Spells: cause fear, levitate, displacement, obsidian flow, fear, 
-protection from spells, true seeing, shapechange (dragon only), overwhelming +protection from spells, powerword blind, shapechange (dragon only), dominate monster
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 |**L1:** Coat of Many Stars|Innate ability| |**L1:** Coat of Many Stars|Innate ability|
-|**L5:**Lure of the Cosmos|Innate ability| +|**L5:** Lure of the Cosmos|Innate ability| 
-|**L10:**Dweller in Darkness|10% void resistance| +|**L10:** Dweller in Darkness|10% void resistance| 
-|**L15:**Interstellar Void|Innate ability| +|**L15:** Interstellar Void|Innate ability| 
-|**L21:**Awesome Display|Spray and Prismatic spells are much stronger| +|**L21:** Awesome Display|Spray and Prismatic spells are much stronger| 
-|**L31:**Final Revelation|Immunity to fear, 10% radiant resistance, can passively resist death|+|**L31:** Final Revelation|Immunity to fear, 10% radiant resistance, can passively resist death|
 Class Skills: academics, influence, perception Class Skills: academics, influence, perception
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 Class Skills: healing, survival, endurance Class Skills: healing, survival, endurance
-Bonus Spells: celestial healingrestorationremove blindness, neutralize +Bonus Spells: detect undeadgood hoperejuvenation, breath of life, undeath is death, greater heal, greater restorationgreater mass heal, resurrection
-poison, breath of life, heal, regenerate, mass heal, resurrection+
 =====Lunar Mystery===== =====Lunar Mystery=====
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 Class Skills: athletics, perception, survival Class Skills: athletics, perception, survival
-Bonus Spells: garble, dust of twilight, rage, aspect of the wolf, moonbeam, litany of madness, lunar veil, blood mist, polar midnight+Bonus Spells: garble, dust of twilight, rage, aspect of the wolf, moonbeam, litany of madness, lunar veil, blood mist, silver sight
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 |**L15:** Natural Divination | Innate Ability| |**L15:** Natural Divination | Innate Ability|
 |**L21:** Nature's Whispers | CHA modifier instead of DEX to AC| |**L21:** Nature's Whispers | CHA modifier instead of DEX to AC|
-|**L31:** Final Revelation | Cocoon innate ability. You can change your race to one other race of the same size. This is only usable in forest terrain.|+|**L31:** Final Revelation | Cocoon innate ability. You can change your race to another available race. This is only usable in forest terrain.|
 Class Skills: survival, healing, perception Class Skills: survival, healing, perception
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 Resonances Allowed: All Resonances Allowed: All
 **//Primal and chaotic, the raw power of magic gives you all the direction you require.//** **//Primal and chaotic, the raw power of magic gives you all the direction you require.//**
mysteries.1693768936.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/03 19:22 by titania