Welcome to Sundering Shadows! Sundering Shadows, or SuS for short, is an LP Mud using the Nightmare III Mudlib. We forked from Shadowgate Mud in 2021, and our game system is a homebrew inspired by an equal measure of the D&D SRD and Pathfinder SRD game systems. Our maximum level here is 50.
We are a Roleplay Enforced Mud, which means that players are expected to play IC (In-Character), although there are OOC (Out of Character) channels and commands that players can use. Players are also expected to play within the setting of our world. We have special staff called Avatars, which maintain the setting and run campaigns or plots to advance the story and narrative of the world.
Sundering Shadows is set in its own world and geography, with its own history and culture. The areas where the players exist is a corner of the larger world, where most of the world's major catastrophes seem to occur. Players have a large hand in these events and most of our world's heroes and villains are player characters themselves. As a player character, you are someone special, chosen in some way by higher powers who intercede on your behalf when you die. This semi-immortality, coupled with your vast powers makes you a being beyond the reach of most of the average people in the world. With that said, your heroics and misdeeds can have far reaching consequences, affecting the lives of those around you in fundamental ways. It is easy for such beings to fall afoul of the various churches or the law if they are not careful with their power.
In the backdrop, far above the world, endlessly wrestling for dominance are two mighty primordials, Ashra and Edea. Not long ago, they were awakened from their eons-long slumber by various heroes and villains of the realm, seeking to gain an upper hand. Beneath them, struggling for the scraps are the various deities of the Pantheon, who call on mortals to help them achieve their particular ends.
As a consequence of the primordials awakening, most mortals alive today would have had to experience the effects of the Long Night: a year of endless night, where monsters became emboldened, nightmare creatures flew through the skies preying on the helpless, vegetation died off, and half the world's population perished in agony. Those that survived have a new, grim outlook on reality: that the cosmos is out to get them and that monsters are a real and palpable threat to their very survival. And as the saying goes: It's only paranoia if it isn't true!
Speaking of cosmos; the world rests in the endless Void, which ceaselessly seeks to snuff all of the light and life it encounters. The Void, however, is held at bay by pockets of radiant energy, known as stars, which burn furiously against the depth of the void in an eternal struggle. It is only within these pockets of light that existence is even possible, ever on the precipice of being consumed utterly by the crushing weight of the void.
It is thus that the overarching theme of Sundering Shadows is the endless war between good and evil, light and darkness. This is the world you find yourself in…