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ectoplasmic swarm
Class: psion : 5
Syntax: cast CLASS ectoplasmic swarm

Manifesting this power creates a swarm of tiny

     ectoplasmic beings in the area around the psion. These beings 
     are mindless, being simply tiny constructs composed from the 
     psion's will.  Typically, they appear to be minuscule crystals 
     with razorsharp edges in numerous different colors. The swarm 
     continues attacking everyone in the area, though the psion may 
     use feats such as Perfect Caster to lessen the chances of hitting 
     friends. The swarm functions as an AOE storm and does not move with the psion.
helpfiles/spells/e/ectoplasmic_swarm.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)