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Class: cleric : 7
Damage Type: Status effects to LG, LE, CG, CE
Syntax: cast CLASS arbitrament

You utter a demand for a return to balance. All creatures in the vicinity are subjected to immediate arbitrament. Any foe who is of the Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, or Chatic Evil alignments must make an immediate will save or become sickened. Additionally, any of those foes who are lower level than caster level must make another will save or become staggered. Finally, any of those foes who are 5 levels below caster level must make a combat death save or immediately perish. Those that pass the death save will take divine damage.

helpfiles/spells/a/arbitrament.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 00:08 (external edit)