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These are the soul commands that currently exist at Sundering Shadows:

? ack admonish agree

apologize applaud approve bark

bearhug beat beep beg

bing bird bite bleed

blink blow blush boggle

bomb bonk bounce bow

breathe burp butt cackle

calm can caper caress

cheer chew chirp chortle

chuckle clap comfort consider

cough cower crack cringe

crumble crumple cry cuddle

curtsey dance daydream die

disagree dream drool drum

duck duh envy evade

explode eye faint fall

fart fewt fiddle fit

flex flip flirt flop

flutter fondle freak french

froth frown fume gag

gasp gawk gaze gibber

giggle glance glare gloat

goo grab grimace grin

grind groan grok grope

grovel growl grumble grunt

gwert hiccup hmm hop

howl hug hum ignore

jump kick kiss kneel

laugh leer lick lite

love meditate melt meow

moan mock moo mooch

mumble nibble nod noogie

nudge nuke nyuck object

pace panic pant pat

phew pinch pizza plead

point poke ponder pope

pout preen primp puke

punch purr push putz

puzzle quiver raise razz

recoil relax roar rofl

roll rub ruffle run

salute scratch scream shake

shiver shrug shudder sigh

sing sit slam slap

sleep smack smile smirk

snap snarl sneeze sneer

snicker sniff snivel snore

snort snuggle soap sob

spank spit squeeze stagger

stand stare startle steam

stomp strangle stroke strut

sulk swear sweat tackle

tantrum tap taunt thank

think thumb tickle tip

toast tongue touch tremble

trip tsk twiddle twitch

waffle wail wait wake

wax wave weep welcome

whiffle whimper whine whistle

wiggle wince wink womble

woo worship yawn yodel


helpfiles/souls.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)