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Water genasi:

Stat adjustments: +2 constitution, +2 wisdom, -2 charisma

Innate spells: water breathing

Size: medium

Standard alignments: any

Classes allowed: barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, inquisitor, mage, magus, monk, oracle, paladin, psion, psywarrior, ranger, sorcerer, thief

Normal adventuring starting age: 16-19

Average life span: 110

Racial Traits:

Cold Affinity - +1 caster level to cold damage spells

Planar Resistance - +2 spell resistance

Elemental Origin - +(level / 2) cold resistance

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Versatile - +4 skill points


Water genasi are humans with an ancestor from the plane of water, usually an elemental. They are patient and independant, usually tranquil but at times can be fierce and destructive as a storm. They carry the feeling of superiority that is common to genasi, particularly over the sailors they sometimes spend time with. They are most comfortable at sea, and can breathe water as well as air, often retreating to underground lairs for long spans of time, as they often tend to be loners. However, they do feel kinship with other aquatic creatures. They tend towards neutrality in many things, avoiding extremes in opinion or action. Water genasi priests prefer to follow a deity that offers the domain of water.

Water genasi should not be confused with half-elementals, who are a different species, rather than a subspecies of human. They have the appearance of a human except for one or two physical attributes that carry over from their lineage. Some examples are:

- lightly-scaled or clammy skin

- blue-green skin or hair

- large blue-black eyes

- webbed hands and feet

See also: human, genasi

helpfiles/races/water_genasi.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)