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Sun elf (gold elf):

Stat adjustments: +2 intelligence, -2 constitution, +2 charisma

Innate spells: none

Size: medium

Standard alignments: any non-evil

Classes allowed: barbarian, bard, cleric, fighter, inquisitor, mage, magus, monk, oracle, paladin, ranger, sorcerer, thief, warlock

Normal adventuring starting age: 101-130

Average life span: 550

Racial Traits:

Elven Magic - +2 spell penetration

Elven Immunities - +2 to saves vs charm spells, sleep immunity

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Keen Senses - +2 perception


Somewhat less common than their moon-elf cousins, they tend to be less social with other races. They usually have bronzed skin, along with golden or green eyes, and hair of blonde, black, or coppery red. They are less inclined to physical pursuits as those of arcanery and other intellectual ends. They are some of the greatest magic users in the realms, and are also renowned for their magnificent stonewrought towers and spires that form their homes.

See also: elf

helpfiles/races/sun_elf.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)