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Stat adjustments: +2 to stat of choice

Innate spells: none

Size: medium

Standard alignments: any

Classes allowed: any

Normal adventuring starting age: 18-20

Average life span: 110

Racial Traits:

Extra Feat - bonus feat at level 1

Adaptable - 4 extra skill points at level 1

Human Heritage - Additional bonuses based on ethnicity


Human form is where the term “humanoid” comes from. Humans have two arms, two legs, and stand near two meters high. Their skin comes in varying shades from light tan to dark brown, with visible hair of all normal colors on the top of their heads and occassionally as mustaches or beards in the case of the males who have not shaved.

Playable subraces:

Regional ethnicities: please see <help human ethnicities>

Planetouched: Creatures referred to as 'planetouched' are human, but have some kind of planar ancestor at some point in their history. These consist of tieflings (fiendish blood), aasimar (celestial blood), feytouched (fey blood), and genasi (elemental blood). These should not be confused with half-bloods, who bear a direct planar parent.

See also: human ethnicities, tiefling, dhampir, aasimar, feytouched, genasi, air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, water genasi

helpfiles/races/human.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)