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Gray orc:

Stat adjustments: +4 strength, +2 constitution, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma

Innate spells: none

Size: medium

Standard alignments: any evil

Classes allowed: barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, thief, warlock

Normal adventuring starting age: 11-14

Average life span: 40

Racial Traits:

Orc Ferocity - Can periodically recover from a fatal blow

Intimidating - +2 to intimidation checks

Low Light Vision - +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark

Feral - +2 to endurance and survival skills


While less beastial in appearance than their savage mountain orc cousins, having almost humanoid faces, these creatures are still quite obviously not human. They are quite hairy, with less porcine faces but still-prominent tusks and wolf-like ears. Their eyes are yellow, orange or red, with black or gray hair, and gray skin with mottled patches. Despite that they lack the fierce appearance of their cousins, this is deceptive - they are equally fierce and savage, but lack the mountain orc drive to conquer and enslave others. Nomadic tribal creatures, they tend to trust to instinct rather than logic, not hesitating to attack a hated rival despite past defeats.

Warning: This is an advanced race, known as a PK-race. It imposes disadvantages on your gameplay: You will be banned in most cities and shunned across the realm. You start with your NOPK-flag turned off and other players may attack you because of your race. You may not, however, attack a player of a standard race without additional provocation.

See also: orc, races, pk rules

helpfiles/races/gray_orc.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)