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Stat requirements: 16 wisdom

Alignments allowed: any

Hitdice: d8

Saving throws: fort/will strong, reflex weak

Class Skills: healing, influence, perception, spellcraft

Class Feats:

L1 : light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, simple weapon proficiency, shield proficiency, divine domain, second divine domain, spell focus, channel

L31: apotheosis

Also: one bonus spellcraft feat at L1, and every five class levels thereafter

Clerics are as diverse a class as the pantheon of the realm, united only in their service to their deity. They draw their powers from their chosen deity and must serve their cause. Should they lose favor with their deity, they also lose their powers. They spend much of their time in prayer and meditation to gain their spells, and to attempt to discern what their deity expects of them. Their insight and use of their wisdom grow as they spend their lives learning to understand people and the teachings of their deity. They apply these teachings to their daily life, in order to further their deity’s cause. This includes attempting to convert others to their faith.

Wisdom is of the utmost importance to clerics as it determines their spell casting ability. It is also recommended that they have a decent constitution. Most are moderately capable in melee combat, but not so much as a trained warrior.

Clerics prepare individual spells from the cleric spell list, using the <prepare> command. See <spells cleric (by level)>. Use the <cast> command to cast a prepared spell. To see which spells you have prepared, use <recall cleric spells>.

Clerics of good and neutral alignments may also spontaneously cast any prepared spell as a healing spell of the same level. Neutral and evil clerics may do likewise, but they will cast such spells spontaneously as damaging equivalents instead. To learn how to do it refer to <help cast>.

Additionally, clerics can choose a small number of domains. The spells in these domains are added to their cleric spell list and they can prepare and cast them as normal. See <help domains> for a list of available domains.

Clerics also gain the following cantrips (type 'recall cantrip spells'):

Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Resistance, Light, Mending, Sacred Flame, Toll the Dead

Clerics are versatile, they can choose both melee and spellcasting paths. They are also able to <channel> positive or negative energy from a Grace pool. Clerics can cast in any armor, but not while wielding anything.

See also: feats, stats, skills, spells, cast, buff, prepare, domains, deities, prestige classes, new caster, channel, grace

helpfiles/classes/cleric.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/30 18:41 (external edit)