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Deep gnome (svirfneblin)

Stat adjustments +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, -2 strength
Innate spells displacement, alter self
Size small
Standard resonances Light and Twilight
Classes allowed barbarian, bard, cleric, fighter, mage, magus, monk, oracle, psion, psywarrior, sorcerer, thief, warlock
Normal adventuring starting age 61-96
Average life span 350

Racial Traits

Hatred +1 to attack bonus when fighting dwarves and lizardfolk
Spell Resistanc +1 to spell resistance
Illusion Resistance +2 to saves vs illusion spells
Stalker +2 to stealth skill


Svirfneblin, or deep gnomes are a reclusive offshoot of the gnome race. They dwell underground in hidden cities, safe from drow and other subterranean races. They have skin the color of gray or brown stone. A svirfneblin's ties to the eerie realm of the fey are much stronger than those of their surface-dwelling gnome kin, and this makes them either strangely detached from their emotions or violently random in their outbursts. Svirfneblin have long fought wars against the duergar, and have a difficult time seeing the difference between duergar and other dwarves.

Svirfneblin appear similar in stature to their surface world cousins, but with rocky gray or brown skin, and pale, oversized eyes. Males are always bald while females have gray, stringy hair.

Svirfneblin have a natural disposition towards the light, though there are many among them that follow the path of twilight.

deep_gnome.1703278367.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/22 20:52 by thedanishhobbit