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Canine Beastkin

Stat adjustments +2 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 intelligence
Innate spells ghost step
Size medium
Standard resonances any
Classes allowed barbarian, bard, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, thief
Normal adventuring starting age 14-23
Average life span 90

Racial Traits:

Animal Instincts +2 to reflex saves
Tough Hide +2 natural armor
Low Light Vision +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark
Agile Hunter +2 athletics, +2 survival


Canine beastkin are deadly hunters and savage fighters, working together to surround and tear apart their prey. Prey can include anything not canine, including humans, other beastkin and their totems, and other sapient or animal creatures. To each other, they are loud, loyal, rough, and reliant on each other. To outsiders, they are extremely hostile if you enter their territory. However, if you somehow manage to earn their trust, you may have a friend - or pack - for life.

Covered in fur, either shaggy or short, canine beastkin could be mistaken for a werewolf at first glance. However, instead of appearing like an amalgamation of man and wolf, they look more akin to a canine standing on two legs. The various tribes of canine beastkin often resemble wolves, but some can resemble other canids such as jackals or dingos, with their tails, ears, fur patterns, and so on taking on characteristics of their tribe’s totem.

These beastkin rely on having or forming a pack, and get very lonely and depressed otherwise. This may lead them to seek out non-beastkin for company but will generally favor animals of a similar temperment such as wolves, and most any animal over the sapient creatures outside of their wilds. Within their tribes, it’s natural for the young to form groups, and even mated pairs seek more members to their overall family. Canines stay true to one another, and have trouble understanding betrayal between kin and fellows. Teamwork and comraderie is ingrained within the tribe, that all combine their strength for the good of the pack.

Beastkin have no natural disposition towards light or dark, and may follow any path. Attuned to nature as they are, their disposition rarely reaches either extreme.

canine.1703278234.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/22 20:50 by thedanishhobbit