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Avian Beastkin

Stat adjustments +2 dexterity, +2 charisma, -2 intelligence
Innate spells beast speech
Size medium
Standard resonances any
Classes allowed barbarian, bard, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, thief
Normal adventuring starting age 14-23
Average life span 90

Racial Traits:

Winged ability to fly
Low Light Vision +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark
Agile Hunter +2 thievery, +2 survival


The avian beastkin are an odd sort, often acting in an almost solitary manner as they go about their day, but will raise a cry at any hint of danger and come together. The flock is protection and safety, though controlling it can be something of an impossibility as each member takes hints from each other and reacts without proper guidance. Some even struggle against this instinct and strike out alone, refusing to lose themselves within the congregation.

None of the various beastkin tribes are as colorful or varied as the avian. Their plumage can be vibrant or dull, with spots or stripes or mottled hues, and it is often that these creatures lean towards vanity and pride. While some have their arms merely coated in feathers, others possess full wings capable of flight, and tend to look down on their earthbound brethren. They are beaked, with it taking on different shapes and hues depending on their totem and corresponding to their diet.

Unique to the avians, their oral histories are all kept as songs. Each tale and story of their past is added to and extended over time, the elders canting in between the choral refrains of the tribe. A beautiful singing voice is important in the social hierarchy, but also are the various decorations and ornaments each beastkin adds to their plumage. Shiny and sparkling items are quick to catch their eye, often times finding their way into their possession as if by magic.

Beastkin have no natural disposition towards light or dark, and may follow any path. Attuned to nature as they are, their disposition rarely reaches either extreme.

avian.1693781207.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/03 22:46 by titania