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Requirements:10 Levels in Base Class
16 Base Intelligence
10 Ranks in Stealth
Dark or Twilight Resonance
Classes allowed: any
Class Feats:L1: crit
L4: hide in plain sight
L7: void stalker

Deadly professionals, assassins come from various backgrounds to serve one purpose of silent murder for boon. Assassins lean towards a stealthy approach in their craft, stalking and studying their victim before executing a deadly attack. In combat, however, an assassin should not be underestimated as they learn the main rule about preparation very soon in their training: always be. They gain knowledge in arcane and stealthy arts, and they learn spells and powers to aid in their missions. Assassins receive their own normal caster set of spells that functions like clerical casting. They learn a death attack, and how to hide better than common thieves. They learn how to find their victim anywhere. Finally, they become a part of… *Suddenly, the narrator drops dead*

Assassins are arcane casters and are granted a subset of arcane utility spells based on their intelligence score. You can see their spell list with spells assassin. Assassins prepare spells from this list and commit it to memory. You can see the list of spells in your memory with recall assassin spells. When you cast the spell, you expend it from your memory.

Assassins can cast their spells in any armor, but they must not wield while doing so as they rely both on speaking and gesturing while casting.

assassin.1696892423.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/09 23:00 by titania