Help for the Imaginary Intermud Postal Service\\ 
                   v1.0 by Descartes of Borg 1993\\ 


<a [group] [list]>

Adds a list of players to the group named. If no such group exists, it is


<x [group] ([list])>

Deletes a list of players from your mailing group. If no list is given,

the entire group is deleted.

<g ([group])>

Shows the members of the group named. If no group is named, it shows the

names of all available groups, including those defined by the mud.

<? ([command])>

Gives detailed help on the command you ask for. If no command is stated,

you get this help file!

<m [list]>

Mails to a list of recipients.

<d (#)>

Marks either the letter named or the current letter for deletion when

you quit out of the mailer.

<u (#)>

Unmarks a letter marked for deletion.

<h (#)>

Lists the headers for letters starting at the letter given until

the last one. If no letter is named, it lists all headers.

<s (#) [filename]> OR <S (#) [filename]>

<e (#) [filename]> OR <E (#) [filename]>

For immortals only. Saves the text of a letter to the filename given

in the immortal's home directory. No extensions or paths, only

alphabetic filenames. The capital “S” command marks the letter for deletion

as well as saving it.

e and E work similarly to their S counterparts, but export

the header information down to the file.

<r (#) (to|all)> OR <R (#) (to|all)>

Replies to the letter named, sending the reply to those addressed in

the “to” list if a “to” argument is given, to those in the “to” and

“cc” lists if an “all” argument is given, or simply to the original sender

if no argument is given. If you do not specify a letter number, the

current letter is replied to. The capital “R” command includes

the original text in the reply.


  "r": replies to the person who sent the current letter\\ 
  "R": replies to the person who sent the current letter, including the\\ 
    original text\\ 
  "r to": replies to those listed in the to list and the original sender\\ 
    of the current letter\\ 
  "R 4 all": replies to the original sender, the people in the to list,\\ 
    and the people in the cc list of letter number 4 including the\\ 
    original text in the reply.\\ 

<f (#) [list]> OR <F (#) [list]>

Forwards either the letter named or the current letter to the list of

people or groups you want. The capital “F” command allows you

to add your own comments before the full original text.

<q> OR <Q>

Quits from the mailer. The capital “Q” quits without marking your

read letters or deleting the mail you marked for deletion.

Environment variables:


The message you will receive when you receive new mail while online.

Use $S in place of the subject and $N in place of the name of whom it

comes from


Set to 1 if you do not want to be prompted for cc, 0 otherwise.


Set to 1 if you do not want to see all your mail headers when you first

open your post box.


Set to 1 if you want to be prompted before the deletion of letters when

you exit the mailer.


The mailer looks for a file called “.sig” in your home directory when you

send mail. If it finds such a file, it appends it to your mail automatically.