Mats - Magical crafting materials


merge mats

separate NUMBER mats


Mats are components required to imbue items with magical properties. To use the mats, you will need the craft magical equipment feat and points in the appropriate skill. Even characters without the nessecary feat are well served to carry mats, as it is sometimes used as a currency among player characters.

<look mats> will tell you how many mats you have.\\ 
<merge mats> will let you merge two boxes of mats into one.\\ 
<separate NUMBER mats> will let you put the specified number of mats into a box by themselves. \\ 

There are two common ways to get mats:

<> Completing a bio-quest rewards you with a decent amount of mats based on your level, provided you request this reward (see <help bio-quests>).   \\ 
<> Magic items may be broken down into mats by using the <disenchant ITEM> command. Please be careful not to disenchant the wrong item. \\ 


disenchant, craft magical equipment, craft