The following Enhancements are available:

Weapon Enhancements:

Elemental damage (Cost:1)

This has a chance to deal elemental damage on hits, increasing in frequency with class level.


e.g.<enhance add flaming>\\ 

Elemental burst (Cost:2, replaces regular elemental damage)

These are the same as the base elemental enhancement, but also deal increased damage on every critical hit. These do not stack with the base elemental enhancements.

flaming burst/icy burst/shocking burst/corrosive burst/thundering burst

e.g.<enhance add icy burst>\\ 

Aligned weapon (Cost:1)

Your attacks ignore damage reduction on targets of the opposing alignment. These also have a chance to deal extra damage on hits, increasing in frequency with class level. You may only apply enhancements that match your alignment.


e.g. <enhance add axiomatic>\\ 

Armor Enhancements:

Fortification (Cost:1/3/5)

These apply a 25/50/75% chance to ignore stabs and critical damage, based on level of the fortification. They do not stack.

light fortification/moderate fortification/heavy fortification

e.g.<enhance add moderate fortification>\\ 

Energy resistance (Cost:4 with warding, 3 with armor bond)

Resistance 10 to elemental damage.

acid energy resistance/cold energy resistance/electricity energy resistance/fire energy resistance/sonic energy resistance

e.g.<enhance add cold energy resistance>\\ 

Improved energy resistance (Cost:5, replaces energy resistance)

Resistance 20 to elemental damage. These do not stack with the base energy resistance enhancements.

improved acid energy resistance/improved cold energy resistance/improved electricity energy resistance/improved fire energy resistance/improved sonic energy resistance

<enhance add improved acid energy resistance>\\ 

See also: enhance