There are many ways of communication on Sundering Shadows. Some commands are for IC communication, while others are used to communicate OOC.

In Character Communication

<say MESSAGE> Say something in your normal voice.

<yell MESSAGE> Yell something. This can be heard a few rooms away.

<tell NAME MESSAGE> When using a telepathy spell, use <tell NAME> to direct a message at a player or staff-member.

<reply> If someone is contacting you through telepathy, use <reply> to answer them directly.

<whisper NAME MESSAGE> Whisper something to someone. Only the target of your whisper can hear you, but others might <eavesdrop> on you.

<emote> To communicate something non-verbally, like a gesture or an action.

<help COMMAND> will tell you more about each command.

Out of Character Communication

In addition, there are a number of <lines> available to communicate on OOC. When you use a line, it shows up in the game and on our discord. Be polite over the lines and do not share any IC information. See <help line use> for more information. The most common lines are:

newbie Use this line to ask questions about the game, mechanics, rules, roleplay, etc.

ooc General OOC chatter.

wiz This is used to communicate with our creators and/or discuss code.

discuss This line can be activated by staff and is used to discuss issues with players.

To speak on a line, use <LINE MESSAGE>. For example: <ooc Hey everyone> will let you say “Hey everyone” on the ooc line.

To disable or enable your lines, type its name without an argument.

Type <lines> to see all lines available to you.

SEE ALSO: line use, lines, thought, say, emote, emoteat, rules, yell, reply, tell, whisper