Classes on Sundering Shadows


The following classes are available:

Barbarian Tribal warriors that channel their rage to devastating effect.

Bard Master entertainers that dabble in combat and the arcane arts.

Cleric Holy priests that draw power from their faith in a deity.

Druid Champions of nature with the ability to shape-shift.

Fighter Diverse warriors with unrivaled martial prowess.

Inquisitor Grim agents of the gods, in service of a faith or cause.

Mage Wizards that weave magic through relentless study.

Magus Student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess.

Monk Martial art masters that fight unarmored and often unarmed.

Oracle These divine vessels are granted power without their choice.

Paladin Holy warriors and protectors, in service of a faith or cause.

Psion Mortals that bend the world to their will with their mind.

Psywarrior Warriors gifted with limited psionic powers.

Ranger Hunters and warriors that gain divine powers from nature.

Sorcerer Mortals that master the art of magic through raw talent.

Thief Masters of stealth and deceit that attack from the shadows.

Warlock Mysterious mortals whose soul is suffused with perilous magic.

Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, represented by a unique set of feats and abilities. Some classes are restricted based on race, alignment and/or stats.

Multi-Class Characters:

When you advance beyond level 10, 20, 30 and 40 you will be given the option to multi-class. To do so, simply type <advance NEW_CLASS> in an area that allows advancement and you will become a “multi-classed character”. When you reach the new bracket, you may choose to advance in your new or old class or even pick up a third. Some classes have multi-class restrictions noted in their help-files. Note that you must meet the requirements of all of your classes.

To get more information on a class, type <help CLASS>.


prestige classes, advance, abandon, stats, feats, skills, races, alignments