BLUEBoreal Bloodline

Descended from inhabitants of the lands of ice and snow, you count among your ancestors giant-kin, troll-born, and frost-rimed spirits. Their savage and raw energies flow down through generations to infuse you to the marrow with the chill of the polar wind, crackling auroras, and the long winter night.

Bloodline Arcana:

Your frozen heritage empowers your spells, granting +1 to clevel and DC of any spell that deals cold damage.

Child of Ancient Winters (L31):

You were born with the cold in your veins, the deepest cold of primordial winter. You gain scaling cold resistance percent equal to 20 + sorcerer level * 2. You also gain immunity to fatigue and exhaustion.

Bonus Bloodline Skill: survival

Bonus Spells: biting wind, frostfield, frost orb, ice storm, cone of cold, freezing sphere, avalanche, polar ray, polar midnight