===== SPEECH ===== ==== DESCRIPTION ==== set your speech verb ==== SYNOPSIS ==== speech DESCRIPTION This will set your speech verb. For example, if you use , everyone in the same room with you will see 'proclaims' after your name each time you speak. N.B. 's' is always added for others after the first word they see your speech. So you would want to avoid using an adverb such as "quietly talks " first, as others would see it as "Bob quietlys talk" ===== COLORS ===== ==== DESCRIPTION ==== set color of direct speech ==== SYNOPSIS ==== colors start|end COLOR This command will set the color of direct speech inside of emotes. You can have only one instance of direct speech within a single emote. Using the will determine the color of your speech within the quotes in your emoteat. The command will determine the color of your emoteat after your speech in parenthesis ends. For example, and will make your emoteats have this color effect: will appear as Yourname pokes Someone gently, %^CYAN%^\"Hey you\"%^RED%^, then snickers.%^RESET%^