rope trick \\ Class: mage : 2 innate : 2 warlock : 1 magus : 2 \\ Syntax: cast CLASS rope trick \\ When rope trick is cast, a rope will leap up and stiffen, leading to a magic room in a pocket of another dimension. Any may climb the rope and enter the room. The rope may be pulled into the room making the room inaccessible. And the room will exist for quite a long time, varying with the caster's spell-casting level. To cast this spell, the caster must drop a rope before them which will not be consumed by the casting. Inside rope trick room you can: Pulls up the access rope so that no one else can gain entry to this space. Lowers the access rope to the outside room allowing access to this space. Allows you to look into the outside room. This is the exit to the outside world which is available as long as the rope is down.