====== Roleplay and Event Participation Guidelines ====== We invite and encourage you to jump into roleplay and participate in events and plots as soon as you are comfortable, in a way that fits your character. As avatars, we want to facilitate roleplay and character development and ensure that every player gets attention and a moment to shine. To do so, we have implemented the following guidelines: ===== Three Month Rule ===== The Three Month Rule is designed to ensure that your character becomes firmly established within the world. It demonstrates your commitment to the character and provides assurance that you won't vanish shortly after receiving attention or involvement in key storylines. ==== Examples of Three Month Rule Progression ==== * Seeking a position within a city's council. * Establishing a name or reputation for yourself in a city. * Advancing a personal plot deeply tied to your character's background. * Aiming to become a Head Guard or other notable position in a city. * A potential template as a plot reward. * Other goals relevant to your character. ===== Six Month Rule ===== To apply for player housing or gain a template, you must have played your main character for six months. Not everyone will need, want, or gain a template, but if that is something you are working towards, we encourage you to start well before your 3- or 6-month anniversaries. Please use [[pcnote]] to record your journey from the start, and avatarmail to let us know your plans from 3 months and onwards. ===== Avatar Plots ===== You do not need to have played your character for 3 months to participate in Avatar Plots. Think of Avatar Plots as world events: stories that are unfolding in various parts of the world that aren't centered specifically around your character but are open for participation. ==== Examples of Avatar Plots ==== * A murderer is on the loose. Go catch them! * Someone has stolen my pancakes! Can you track them down? * A massive dragon is wreaking havoc. Help the people! * A crazy necromancer is trying to summon a dracolich. Stop them... or help them? * A farmer needs assistance growing crops. Maybe you'd rather rob them instead? These plots are less about you and more about the world and its events. They serve as excellent opportunities to explore how your character reacts, collaborates with others, and pursues their goals within the broader context of the game. ==== Important Notes on Avatar Plots and Alts ==== * You cannot participate in the same Avatar Plot with multiple characters. If your main character is already involved in a plot or would likely become involved, you cannot join that plot with an alt. You must choose one character to participate. * Avatars may choose to only include main characters in plots. ==== New Players and Avatar Plots ==== You are free to join an Avatar Plot even if your character is brand new. Avatar Plots are a great way to learn more about the world and develop your character's story early on. ===== Note ===== In addition to pc notes, the [[thought]] command is a great way to tell avatars what you are thinking when something happens.