Disclaimer: This list of areas and level suggestions does not claim to be 100% accurate. We apologize in advance for any untimely deaths that might occur. ***** Denotes a dungeon-type area, meaning it’s unlikely you’ll be able to leave the way you came in without first figuring out the quest. Or unless you have a blood shard. ===== Mainland (00,36) ===== |Offestry|1-6| |Ekibi Caverns (Quest)(Slightly east of Meadowlands)|6-10| |Goblin Stronghold (Southeast of Tabor)|6-10| |Grasslands/Meadowlands|8-10| |Cryptkeeper’s Lair (Quest*) (Muileann) |8-10| |Gentleman’s Tower (Quest*) (Muileann) |8-10| |Shadow City Sewers|8-10| |Orc Cave (Koenig Stream) |8-10| |Nereid’s Cove (Quest) (Koenig Stream)|10-15| |Piaf’s Farm (Quest) (Koenig Stream)|10-12| |Echoes Mountains (Quest)|8-12| |Dragon’s Den Caverns (Quest)|8-10| |Darkwood Forest (South of Shadow)|8-10| |Yntala Forest (South of Shadow)|10-12| |Pyramid (Yntala Forest) |10-12| |Centaur Meadow (Yntala Forest) |10-12| |Underwater Tunnels (Yntala Forest) |10-12| |Kildare Glen|10-12| |Orc Encampment (South of Meadowlands)|10-12| |Feyren Farm (West of Shadow)|10-15| |Dark Trail (East of Antioch)|12-15| |King’s Forest (Quest)(Slightly southwest of Antioch)|12-15| |Deep Gnome Cavern (Quest) (Charu Mountains)|12-15| |Purple Worm Lair (Southeast of Antioch)|15-20| |The Vale|15-20| |Pirate’s Cove (00,55)(Southeast of Shadow)|15-20| |Desert Sun Theatre (Quest*) (Azha)|15-20| |Tharis Forest (Quest)|15-20| |Githyanki Fortress (Quest*) (Shadow Desert)|15-20| |The Dark Forest (Bordering The Vale)|18-25| |Archemond’s Mansion (Quest) (Near Lothwaite)|20-25| |Barrier Mountains (South of Torm)|20-25| |Firbolg Barrows (Quest*) (Lothwaite)|20-25| |Barrow Downs (Dagger Mountains)|20-25| |Antioch Ruins (East of Antioch)|15-20| |Plane of Fire (Antioch Ruins) (Quest*)|25-30| |Derro Tunnels (Quest*) (Dagger Mountains)|20-30| |Dagger Marsh|20-25| |Misty Grove (Quest) (Dagger Marsh)|20-25| |Marsh of Fear (Within Dagger Marsh)|25-30| |Demongate (Quest*) (Within Dark Swamp)|30-35| |Ice Caves (Dagger Mountains)|25-30| |Ogre Caverns* (Dagger Mountains)|25-30| |Drow Underdark (Quest*) (Dagger Mountains)|20-25| |Drow Temple* (Drow Underdark)|25-30| |Kinaro Underdark (Beneath Kinaro)|30-35| |Arkhon’s Lair*|35-40| |**Other places of interest:**|West of Shadow there is a mercenary camp.\\ Beastkin reside in a valley of the Charu Mountains.\\ Wailing Isle is off the coast of Torm on the Dagger Sea (12, 16)| ===== Islands ===== ==== Deku Island (20,16) ==== |Shadowlord’s Forest|15-20| |Shadowlord’s Fortress|15-20| |Shadowlord’s Graveyard|15-20| |Shadowlord’s Mausoleum (Quest)|20-30| |Altar of Fire (Quest*)|20-25| |BlackTongue’s Keep (Quest*)|20-30| |Sanctuary Ruins|20-25| |Sanctuary Sewers|20-25| |Sanctuary Tower (Quest*)|20-25| |Haunted House (Quest)|30-35| ==== Tonerra Island (40,26) ==== |Jungle|15-25| |Native Village|15-25| |Monastery (Quest)|20-35| |Lava Tubes (Quest*)|35-45| |Ibrandul’s Temple|40-45| |Geonslu’s Lair|30-35| ==== Dallyh Island (22,13) ==== |Amazon Forest|20-25| |Dallyh Marsh|45-50| ==== Graez Island (08,16) ==== |Graez|20-30| |Battlefield|20-30| |Swamp|20-30| |Mountains|20-30| |Minotaur Maze|20-30| |The Graez Lighthouse (Quest)|40-45| ==== Aramanth Island (23,58) ==== |Lower|25-30| |Mysterious Plateau (Quest)|45-50| |Upper (Klauth’s Lair)|40-50| ====Laerad Island (20,36)==== |God’s Plain|20-25| |Wasteland|20-25| |Gnoll Encampment (Quest)|20-25| |Swamp of Death|20-25| |Parnelli Forest|20-25| |Lizardman Sewers *|20-25| |Dojo (Quest)|25-30| |Laerad Caverns (Quest)|25-30| ==== Argentrock Island (34,10) ==== |Forest|35-40| |Batlin’s House (Quest)|35-50| |Shoreline|40-45| ====Ice Island (30,16) ==== |Muln’s Lair|30-35| ====Serakii (44,41)==== |The Hound Mercenary Camp|30-35| |The White Tower|30-35| |Forest of Tears|45-50| |Tower of Bone (Forest of Tears)|45-50| ====Attaya Island (28,43)==== |Attaya Jungle|30-35| |Assassin Tunnels (Quest*)|30-35| |Devil Tunnels (Quest*)|30-35| |Black Stairway|30-35| |Oubliette *|30-35| |Crystal Tower (Quest*)|40-45| ==== Continent of Atoyatl Tepexitl (50,11) ==== |Atoyatl Jungle|35-50| |Wemic Village/Jungle|40-50| |Tabaxi Village (Quest)|40-50| |Lost City of the Tecqumin (Quest(s))|45-50| ==== Additional Explorations ==== |Daily Demiplane (North of Shadow)|10-50| |Pirates Cove (0,55)|15-20| |Coral Reef (Quest) (08,62)|20-30| |Dino Island (30,20)|25-30| |Ovadexel Island (Quest*) (21,46)|25-30| |Eldebaro Island (Quest) (07,51)|40-50|