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wildlands_timeline [2024/10/18 15:48]
cecile [3000 SG to Present:]
wildlands_timeline [2024/10/18 15:49] (current)
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 The long night starts and the Wildlands is impacted greatly. Monsters come out of their caves and plateaus and run ravage through the lands. And an old enemy appears, the Shinzen. A powerful Vortex appears in the sky and unleashes the attack on the northern mountains of the city... The long night starts and the Wildlands is impacted greatly. Monsters come out of their caves and plateaus and run ravage through the lands. And an old enemy appears, the Shinzen. A powerful Vortex appears in the sky and unleashes the attack on the northern mountains of the city...
 ====== More Wildlands Lore ====== ====== More Wildlands Lore ======
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 [[Senzokuan Lore]]\\ [[Senzokuan Lore]]\\
 [[Maalish Lore]]\\ [[Maalish Lore]]\\
 **SPECIAL NOTE: Please send up and avatar mail on how much your character of this may know as this is new lore and up to recent events, some of this knowledge it not accessible to the public ICly yet** **SPECIAL NOTE: Please send up and avatar mail on how much your character of this may know as this is new lore and up to recent events, some of this knowledge it not accessible to the public ICly yet**
wildlands_timeline.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/18 15:49 by cecile