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weretiger [2023/09/03 23:37]
titania [Weretiger]
weretiger [2024/07/19 17:24] (current)
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 ==== Description ==== ==== Description ====
-Afflicted with the outsiders curse, weretigers are lycanthropes who can switch between humanoid, hybrid, and tiger form. They are one of the most feared and distrusted types of lycanthrope. Most weretigers believe they have a divine right to rule over lesser "prey" creatures, and seek to carve out as large a domain as possible. They brook no rivals, and as a result natural weretigers are most commonly found alone, or sometimes as a mated pair.+Afflicted with the outsiders curse, weretigers are lycanthropes who can switch between humanoid, hybrid, and tiger form. They are one of the most feared and distrusted types of lycanthrope. Most weretigers believe they have a divine right to rule over lesser "prey" creatures, and seek to carve out as large a domain as possible. They brook no rivals, and as a result natural weretigers are most commonly found alone, or sometimes as a mated pair. Weretigers have no natural disposition towards light or dark, and may follow any path that their base race allows, but they are more often than not drawn towards darker resonances.
 Weretigers are ferocious hunters and warriors with a haughty and fastidious nature. Lithe and sleekly muscular in humanoid form, they are taller than average and meticulously groomed. Weretigers grow to enormous size in animal and hybrid form, but they fight in their more refined humanoid form when they can. Weretigers are ferocious hunters and warriors with a haughty and fastidious nature. Lithe and sleekly muscular in humanoid form, they are taller than average and meticulously groomed. Weretigers grow to enormous size in animal and hybrid form, but they fight in their more refined humanoid form when they can.
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 selected during creation by players with an advanced player account (an account selected during creation by players with an advanced player account (an account
 with a L30+ character). with a L30+ character).
 +===== Gallery =====
weretiger.1693784252.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/03 23:37 by titania