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voadkyn [2021/08/17 16:33]
voadkyn [2024/07/19 17:14] (current)
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 ====== Voadkyn ====== ====== Voadkyn ======
-| Stat adjustments | +4 strength, -2 dexterity, +2 constitution, -2 intelligence +|Stat adjustments | +4 strength, -2 dexterity, +2 constitution, -2 intelligence| 
-| Skill adjustments | +2 perception, +2 stealth, +2 survival | +|Innate spells | speak with animals, ghost step, treeshape
-| Misc bonuses | +4 natural armor +|Size | large
-| Innate spells | speak with animals, ghost step, treeshape | +|Standard resonances Light and Twilight 
-| Standard alignments neutral good, true neutral, chaotic good +|Classes allowedbarbariandruidfighterrangersorcererthief 
-| Classes restricted clericbardpsionpsywarrior paladinmage, monk, warlock, inquisitor, oracle +|Normal adventuring starting age | 76-105| 
-| Normal adventuring starting age | 76-105 | +|Average life span | 350| 
-| Average life span | 350 | + 
-Size Large |+====Racial Traits==== 
 +|Natural Armor +4 natural armor| 
 +|Tracker | +2 to stealth and survival| 
 +|Low Light Vision | +2 to sight bonus to see in the dark| 
 +|Keen Senses | +2 to perception|
 ==== Description ==== ==== Description ====
-Voadkyn are also known as wood giants and generally resemble giant-sized wood elves. They are about 9 1/2 feet tall and weigh about 700 pounds, with the same physical proportions as humans. Voadkyn live in forests, extending friendship to wood elves and other elven racesThey are frivolous and flightygiving into sudden whimsbut despite their fun-lovingalmost irrational naturethey are generally considered to be friendly and enjoyable companions.+Voadkyn are also known as wood giants and generally resemble giant-sized wood elves with pointed elven ears and angular facial featuresTheir skin varies from pale to coppery, often with a tinge of green or other earthly color, while their eyes are often green, brown or hazel. Most voadkyn have brown or black hair, with coppery red being somewhat rarer. They do not grow facial hair, and it is not uncommon for some to be entirely bald. They tend towards lithe and agile frames and usually grow to be between 8-10 feet tall, with males being a little bigger than females. 
 +Voadkyn are the wardens of the deepest, wildest portions of the world'forests. Unlike many of their kinvoadkyn are slow to anger, peaceful, and artistic, and display infinite patience in their dutyA voadkyn's role is to preserve and protect the wildernessa role they believe that nature itself granted themthe proof of which manifests in their magical abilities tied to the natural world. 
 +Voadkyn culture is as complex as their forest homes. Much of a tribe's time is spent tending to a forest's health: planting new trees, clearing away dead brush, and hunting abominations that pervert the natural order. Individuals may even cultivate their forest homes into elaborate demesnes, mazes, or living temples. They are an isolated race, only rarely meeting to trade with other tribes or the occasional elven settlement. While primarily good-naturedvoadkyn are distrustful of outsiders and prone to great melancholy. Voadkyns have a natural disposition towards the lightthough there are those among them that follow the path of twilight. Their culture abhors the use of undead and similar necrotic powers. 
 +Small clans claim enormous tracts of wooded land but rarely build permanent homes. Members may spread out over their entire region by day only to gather and bed down, exposed to the elements, after sundown. In harsh weather, tribes cluster close together in the densest thickets with their backs turned outward.  
 +===== Voadkyn ===== 
-Voadkyn are completely devoid of facial and body hair, including eyebrows, beards, etc. and means that all voadkyns are bald. This further emphasizes their overly large heads, even for their size. Their ears are placed higher than those of a human, being almost completely above the line of their eyes and much closer to the top of their head. Their eyes can be almost any shade of brown, often mingled with yellow or green. Their clothes are usually colored to be that of the forest they reside in. 
voadkyn.1629218000.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/17 16:33 by titania