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undead [2021/03/21 15:06]
titania created
undead [2025/03/07 18:57] (current)
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-==== Undead ====+====== Undead ====== 
 +**Resonances allowed:** Dark 
 +==== Features ====
-Sundering Shadows currently supports two types of undead monsters. Please note that adding these templates to your race means you are opening yourself up to PK.+  * No constitution stat, charisma used for hp calculations 
 +  * No aging, age category is always normal 
 +  * No hunger or thirst 
 +  * No stamina 
 +  * Immune to disease, poison, and rend 
 +  * Immune to fatigue and exhaustion 
 +  * Immune to standard death effects and negative levels 
 +  * Immune to sleep, charm, confusion, and fear 
 +  * + 50% cold resistance 
 +  * - 25% fire resistance 
 +  * Will is always high 
 +  * Mind-affecting powers damage but don't affect the mind 
 +  * Innate darkvision and animate dead spells 
 +  * Effects of negative and positive energy are reversed 
 +==== Description ==== 
 +"Undead" is a template that can be applied to any living creature in order to 
 +transform it into a monster of undeath such as a zombie, animated skeleton or 
 +vampire, or to creatures that are innately unique such as mohrgs and wights. 
 +Undead use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when 
 +calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability that relies on 
 +Undead beings are considered abominations in the world of Sundering Shadows
 +They are an affront to the natural order, and their mere presence invites 
 +destruction. Whether this is true or a folk belief remains a topic for scholars 
 +to debate. The common folk that drive most civilizations unilaterally strive to 
 +destroy and to end the existence of any undead or necromancer that they 
 +encounter. Intelligent undead, too, are never an exception to this rule. The 
 +vast majority of them are plagued with insanity, becoming monsters that hate 
 +everything living, even if in life they rooted for the side of lightFew ever 
 +bother to hold conversations with inferior living beings. They are more likely 
 +to destroy both light and dark beings rather than trying to build an alliance 
 +with them. Ancient liches, nosferatu, and aswang cannot be communicated with, 
 +and they are considered to be enemies to all life. Greater undead, intelligent 
 +and sane, are those marked by Nilith's unholy graft. If they do not follow her, 
 +they are at least never enemies of the church. 
 +**Player characters:** 
 +Playing an undead character gives no meaningful bonuses, and imposes severe 
 +punitive mechanical elements onto your gameplay. You will be harmed by most 
 +means of healing. Many spells will cause greater damage to you. You will be 
 +brought down almost everywhere if you are found to be undead, other players have 
 +additional excuses to start pk with you. With all of that, inexperienced players 
 +should not consider this path. 
 +The only available template to be gained for players is a necropolitain 
 +character. Visually indistinguishable from the living, these are undead dwellers 
 +of undead kingdoms raised by Nilith allies and followers. 
 +==== Player characters ==== 
 +Playing an undead character gives no meaningful bonuses, and imposes severe 
 +punitive mechanical elements onto your gameplay. You will be harmed by most 
 +means of healing. Many spells will cause greater damage to you. You will be 
 +brought down almost everywhere if you are found to be undead as other players 
 +have an additional excuse to start pk with you. With all of that said, 
 +inexperienced players should not consider this path. 
 +The only available template for players is the necropolitain character. 
 +Visually indistinguishable from the living, these are undead dwellers of 
 +undead kingdoms raised by Nilith allies and her followers. 
 +<color red>**Warning**</color>: This is an advanced race, known as a PK-race. It imposes disadvantages 
 +on your gameplay: If revealed, you may be attacked on sight and shunned in 
 +cities throughout the realm. You start with your NOPK-flag turned off and other 
 +players may attack you because of your race. You may not, however, attack a 
 +player of a standard race without additional provocation.  
 +**Note:** Undead is an acquired template that may only be gained through RP and 
 +===== Gallery ===== 
undead.1616339173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/21 15:06 by titania