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pantheon [2024/07/17 23:45]
nath [Demipowers (Lesser Deities)]
pantheon [2024/07/30 08:45] (current)
nath [Demipowers (Lesser Deities)] Ebolek symbol
Line 75: Line 75:
 | ::: | Enemies | [[Jarmila]], [[Kreysneothosies]] | | ::: | Enemies | [[Jarmila]], [[Kreysneothosies]] |
 ^[[Ebolek]] - Plague/Infestation ||^ ^[[Ebolek]] - Plague/Infestation ||^
-| {{wiki:ebolek1.png?150}} | Domains | [[plague]], [[evil]] |+| {{wiki:ebolek2.png?150}} | Domains | [[plague]], [[evil]] |
 | ::: | Resonance | Dark | | ::: | Resonance | Dark |
 | ::: | Allies  | [[The Faceless One]] | | ::: | Allies  | [[The Faceless One]] |
pantheon.1721259916.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/17 23:45 by nath