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oracle [2024/12/26 20:20]
oracle [2024/12/26 20:35] (current)
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 |**Saving throws:**| will strong, fort/reflex weak| |**Saving throws:**| will strong, fort/reflex weak|
 |**Class Skills:**| spellcraft| |**Class Skills:**| spellcraft|
-|**Class Feats:**|**L1:** perfect caster, light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, simple weapon proficiency, shield proficiency, spell focus\\ **L5:** indomitable\\ **L10:** force of personality\\ **Also:** one bonus spellcraft feat at L1, and every five class levels thereafter\\ Mystery specific spells, innate powers and feats|+|**Class Feats:**|**L1:** light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, simple weapon proficiency, shield proficiency, spell focus, perfect caster\\ **L5:** indomitable\\ **L10:** force of personality\\ **Also:** one bonus spellcraft feat at L1, and every five class levels thereafter\\ Mystery specific spells, innate powers and feats|
 Oracles wield nontheistic powers derived from an enigmatic source. These phenomena, aptly referred to as "Mysteries," often reveal themselves when triggered by a transformative event, an emotionally intense situation, or some other extraordinary experience. Each Mystery bestows an array of unique and potent abilities upon the oracle, however, the pursuit of these powers entails a profound trade-off - irrepressible compulsions that firmly bind the oracle's actions to the very essence of their Mystery. The oracle's journey is intricately interwoven with vivid dreams and haunting visions, acting as guides that dictate their choices and often uncanny behaviors. As an oracle's power grows, their connection to the source of their magic strengthens until it ultimately consumes them, unless they learn to harness it for their own benefit. Oracles wield nontheistic powers derived from an enigmatic source. These phenomena, aptly referred to as "Mysteries," often reveal themselves when triggered by a transformative event, an emotionally intense situation, or some other extraordinary experience. Each Mystery bestows an array of unique and potent abilities upon the oracle, however, the pursuit of these powers entails a profound trade-off - irrepressible compulsions that firmly bind the oracle's actions to the very essence of their Mystery. The oracle's journey is intricately interwoven with vivid dreams and haunting visions, acting as guides that dictate their choices and often uncanny behaviors. As an oracle's power grows, their connection to the source of their magic strengthens until it ultimately consumes them, unless they learn to harness it for their own benefit.
oracle.1735244418.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/12/26 20:20 by titania